
Finals are done....life is better!

Hello everyone!

Long time no post :( Sorry Mrs. Weaver! :)

As many of you may know I have been under intense stress to finish a large load of work and studying in a very short time frame. School has ended and I have finished all of my finals. I have one presentation on Monday, but this is more of a show and tell presentation to show off my portfolio to my classmates and have the chance to see what their portfolio looks like! It'll be great to see all of the different creative solutions from everyone. After this: 5 years of my college career = complete!

So as for the update of the Smith family....

*Daisy is still fat. *Mister G. is out of control, but still adorable.

We have gotten to the point where his barking is out of control and I really think that our neighbors hate running to us when we are outside. He just wants to play with the other dogs and doesn't understand the whole leash deal. So a couple of days ago I stopped to get him a bark collar. This one was the one that makes a terrible noise when he barks...didn't work, he would just bark louder over the beeping. Today Stu and I took that one back to the store and had to buy the next one up... the shock collar. Poor little Mister G. the first time he experienced it he ran away from Daisy (we think that he thought that it was Daisy that was hurting him). He'll learn and this is the only way that he will survive in the Smith family for a long period of time. He'll have to learn just like Daisy.

But he is happy right now...he and Miss Daisy are enjoying a little bone....I thought that he deserved something special after his ordeal.

*Stu is working hard and a cutie!

*I will be a Texas State Alumni on Saturday!

My mom and family friend arrive on Wednesday night and will leave on Sunday. Gene, Stu's dad will come up on Saturday.

And the graduation gift from the Smith's to me........ A NEW MAC BOOK!! (THANKS TO STU MARSHA AND GENE!!) yeah! I was feeling like my other computer was a dinosaur for the last couple of months, it was bogged down with 3+ years of files, music, and photos. Stu is transferring files from it to a hard drive, clearing it off, cleaning it up...which is what it needed about a year ago, to help it run faster...there was simply way too much saved in its little computer brain. We are going to sell it and use the money on an upcoming vacation!! (MUCH NEEDED FOR BOTH OF US!)

*The Smith family is moving!

But not really. Let me explain... we currently live at 300 North Lamar and we are moving to 300 South Lamar. We can look out our windows and actually see the new apartment...it's odd, but awesome!! We are not looking forward to packing and moving but know that it will be amazing when we are all settled. Our apartment is on the ground floor, has a walk up back patio and is across the street from out favorite burger stand, P Terry's! The ceilings are 14 ft high, almost floor to ceiling windows, very open. 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, one of course will be Stu's office. and the guest bathroom with also double as the dogs' room, or "house" as we Smiths refer to it.

*Stu and I have finished our work with CARES.

We have decided that it is time to move on. We are grateful for CARES and what is had allowed us to do with schooling and business choices. We have created such wonderful friendships and have been blessed beyond what we could have ever imaged because of our involvement.

So that's a super summed up version of the last month...more to come soon!


Below are pictures that broken-in the new computer's photo booth....Stu and mister g.

1 comment:

the weavers said...

yeah!!! welcome back my love. now i am slacking Ü
thanks for the updates and CONGRATS again on your amazing success! Hope to see you guys again soon.