
Meet "Herbert"...

Daisy has many toys to keep her busy and happy while we are away... and you must really meet "Herbert" the stuffed elephant....

This is "Herbert" Daisy loves him very much. (How do I know this you may ask... well, she knows "Herbert" by name. Yep that's right all you have to tell her is to go and find "Herbert" and she goes running only to return with the stuffed elephant in her mouth....She is very smart!)

This is Daisy eating "Herbert's" Face... She may not show her affection in nice ways.... but I known that it is there...

This is "Herbert" after he has been beat and thrown all about.... Daisy loves her elephant friend....

That's Daisy's friend "Herbert"

1 comment:

Gone to Find Myself said...

So now, you really need to contact me. I custom knit sweaters, leg warmers, hand knit coats, hats, and mittens.
You haven't shopped until you find the design you want in a sweater. Looked for the soft cuddly yarn you want to feel and have a sweater that fits you just perfect.
Bet their will be no more rack shopping for you, or at least not a knitted item.
I will knit exactly to your measurements so that it fits you "like a kid glove"!
Contact me at lickstone@gmail.com and we'll "talk" sweater!