
short and bossy

Daisy is like our child, I know that she is only a dog but that is how much we (or I ) love her. But this morning she was a little demanding. When Stu is gone, Daisy is bad sometimes, because she knows that I don't get as mad at her as Stu will. So this is what happened: This morning when I woke up she jumped on the bed to say good morning in her dog way. When I didn't follow her when she jumped off she stood next the the bed and look at me.... then she barked at me! It was like she was yelling at me to get out of bed...She did this the last time Stu was gone too. She is getting mean!

I will be stopping by few and far between for the rest of the month (sorry). But school is in the crazy mode and I have piles of work to finish and projects to complete, not to mention lots of tests to study for.... so pray for me and Stu, the paper could be flying in a couple of weeks when we are fueled by coffee and sleep deprived. We both have more then we can handle on our plates right now..... 

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